/** * This javascript is part of FlightAirmap. * * Copyright (c) Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois) * Licensed under AGPL license. * For more information see: https://www.flightairmap.com/ */ "use strict"; var unitspeedvalue = 'kmh'; var unitcoordinatevalue = 'dd'; var unitaltitudevalue = 'm'; if (getCookie('archive_begin') != '') { var archive = true; } else { var archive = false; } var map; var user = new L.FeatureGroup(); var weatherprecipitation; var weatherprecipitationrefresh; var weatherrain; var weatherrainrefresh; var weatherclouds; var weathercloudsrefresh; var weatherradar; var waypoints = ''; var weatherradarrefresh; var weathersatellite; var weathersatelliterefresh; var noTimeout = true; var locationsLayer; var genLayer; var archiveplayback; var santaLayer; var airportsLayer; $( document ).ready(function() { //setting the zoom functionality for either mobile or desktop if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i)) { var zoom = 8; } else { var zoom = 8; } //create the map map = L.map('archive-map', { zoomControl:false }).setView([54.8438,139.33], zoom); //initialize the layer group for the aircrft markers //var layer_data = L.layerGroup(); var southWest = L.latLng(-90,-180), northEast = L.latLng(90,180); var bounds = L.latLngBounds(southWest,northEast); //a few title layers var yandexLayer = new L.Yandex(); map.addLayer(yandexLayer); //create the bounding box to show the coverage area var polygon = L.polygon( [ [[90, -180], [90, 180], [-90, 180], [-90, -180]], // outer ring [[42.14, 6.2], [42.14, 1.0], [46.92, 1.0], [46.92, 6.2]] // actual cutout polygon ],{ color: '#000', fillColor: '#000', fillOpacity: 0.1, stroke: false }).addTo(map); function update_locationsLayer() { var bbox = map.getBounds().toBBoxString(); //var locationsLayerQuery = $.getJSON("/location-geojson.php",function (data) { var locationsLayerQuery = $.getJSON("/location-geojson.php?coord="+bbox,function (data) { locationsLayer = L.geoJson(data,{ pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) { if (feature.properties.type == 'wx' && typeof feature.properties.temp != 'undefined') { return L.marker(latlng, { icon: new L.DivIcon({ className: 'map-temp', html: feature.properties.temp+'°C' //html: ''+ // 'RAF Banff Airfield' }) }).on('click', function() { $(".showdetails").load("location-data.php?"+Math.random()+"&sourceid="+encodeURI(feature.properties.id)); }); } else { return L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: feature.properties.icon, iconSize: [16, 18] //iconAnchor: [0, 0], //popupAnchor: [0, -28] }) }).on('click', function() { $(".showdetails").load("location-data.php?"+Math.random()+"&sourceid="+encodeURI(feature.properties.id)); }); } } }).addTo(map); }); }; map.on('moveend', function() { if (map.hasLayer(locationsLayer) == true) { map.removeLayer(locationsLayer); update_locationsLayer(); } createCookie('lastcentercoord',map.getCenter().lat+','+map.getCenter().lng+','+map.getZoom(),2); }); if (archive === false) { update_locationsLayer(); setInterval(function(){if (noTimeout) { map.removeLayer(locationsLayer); update_locationsLayer();} },60000); } var currentdate = new Date(); var currentyear = new Date().getFullYear(); var begindate = new Date(Date.UTC(currentyear,11,24,2,0,0,0)); var enddate = new Date(Date.UTC(currentyear,11,25,2,0,0,0)); if (currentdate.getTime() > begindate.getTime() && currentdate.getTime() < enddate.getTime()) { update_santaLayer(false); } //adds the bootstrap tooltip to the map icons function showBootstrapTooltip(){ $('.leaflet-marker-icon').tooltip('destroy'); $('.leaflet-marker-icon').tooltip({ html: true }); } function genLayerPopup (feature, layer) { var output = ''; output += '
'; if (typeof feature.properties.text != 'undefined') output += ' '+feature.properties.text+'
'; output += '
'; layer.bindPopup(output); }; if (getCookie('weather_wind') == 'true') loadWind(getCookie('weather_wind')); if (getCookie('weather_wave') == 'true') loadWave(getCookie('weather_wave')); if (getCookie('weather_fire') == 'true') loadFire(getCookie('weather_fire')); if (getCookie('truelight') == 'true' && typeof L.terminator != "undefined") loadTrueLight(getCookie('truelight')); }); //zooms in the map function zoomInMap(){ var zoom = map.getZoom(); map.setZoom(zoom + 1); } //zooms in the map function zoomOutMap(){ var zoom = map.getZoom(); map.setZoom(zoom - 1); } //figures out the user's location function getUserLocation(){ //if the geocode is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".geocode").hasClass("active")) { //add the active class $(".geocode").addClass("active"); //check to see if geolocation is possible in the browser if (navigator.geolocation) { //gets the current position and calls a function to make use of it navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } else { //if the geolocation is not supported by the browser let the user know alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser."); //remove the active class $(".geocode").removeClass("active"); } } else { //remove the user location marker removeUserPosition(); } } //plots the users location on the map function showPosition(position) { //creates a leaflet marker based on the coordinates we got from the browser and add it to the map var markerUser = L.marker([position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude], { title: "Your location", alt: "Your location", icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: '/images/map-user.png', iconRetinaUrl: '/images/map-user@2x.png', iconSize: [40, 40], iconAnchor: [20, 40] }) }); user.addLayer(markerUser); map.addLayer(user); //pan the map to the users location map.panTo([position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude]); } //removes the user postion off the map function removeUserPosition(){ //remove the marker off the map map.removeLayer(user); //remove the active class $(".geocode").removeClass("active"); } //determines the users heading based on the iphone function getCompassDirection(){ //if the compass is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".compass").hasClass("active")) { //add the active class $(".compass").addClass("active"); //check to see if the device orietntation event is possible on the browser if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) { //first lets get the user location to mak it more user friendly getUserLocation(); //disable dragging the map map.dragging.disable(); //disable double click zoom map.doubleClickZoom.disable(); //disable touch zoom map.touchZoom.disable(); //add event listener for device orientation and call the function to actually get the values window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', capture_orientation, false); } else { //if the browser is not capable for device orientation let the user know alert("Compass is not supported by this browser."); //remove the active class $(".compass").removeClass("active"); } } else { //remove the event listener to disable the device orientation window.removeEventListener('deviceorientation', capture_orientation, false); //reset the orientation to be again north to south $("#live-map").css({ WebkitTransform: 'rotate(360deg)'}); $("#live-map").css({'-moz-transform': 'rotate(360deg)'}); $("#live-map").css({'-ms-transform': 'rotate(360deg)'}); //remove the active class $(".compass").removeClass("active"); //remove the user location marker removeUserPosition(); //enable dragging the map map.dragging.enable(); //enable double click zoom map.doubleClickZoom.enable(); //enable touch zoom map.touchZoom.enable(); } } //gets the users heading information function capture_orientation (event) { //store the values of each of the recorded elements in a variable var alpha; var css; //Check for iOS property if(event.webkitCompassHeading) { alpha = event.webkitCompassHeading; //Rotation is reversed for iOS css = 'rotate(-' + alpha + 'deg)'; } //non iOS else { alpha = event.alpha; var webkitAlpha = alpha; if(!window.chrome) { //Assume Android stock and apply offset webkitAlpha = alpha-270; css = 'rotate(' + alpha + 'deg)'; } } //we use the "alpha" variable for the rotation effect $("#live-map").css({ WebkitTransform: css}); $("#live-map").css({'-moz-transform': css}); $("#live-map").css({'-ms-transform': css}); } function update_genLayer(url) { var genLayerQuery = $.getJSON(url,function(data) { genLayer = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: genLayerPopup, pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) { return L.circle(latlng, feature.properties.radius, { fillColor: feature.properties.fillcolor, color: feature.properties.color, weight: feature.properties.weight, opacity: feature.properties.opacity, fillOpacity: feature.properties.fillOpacity }); } }).addTo(map); }); }; //adds a new weather radar layer on to the map function showWeatherPrecipitation(){ //if the weatherradar is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".weatherprecipitation").hasClass("active")) { //loads the function to load the weather radar loadWeatherPrecipitation(); //automatically refresh radar every 2 minutes weatherprecipitationrefresh = setInterval(function(){loadWeatherPrecipitation()}, 120000); //add the active class $(".weatherprecipitation").addClass("active"); } else { //remove the auto refresh clearInterval(weatherprecipitationrefresh); //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherprecipitation); //remove the active class $(".weatherprecipitation").removeClass("active"); } } //adds a new weather radar layer on to the map function showWeatherRain(){ //if the weatherradar is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".weatherrain").hasClass("active")) { //loads the function to load the weather radar loadWeatherRain(); //automatically refresh radar every 2 minutes weatherrainrefresh = setInterval(function(){loadWeatherRain()}, 120000); //add the active class $(".weatherrain").addClass("active"); } else { //remove the auto refresh clearInterval(weatherrainrefresh); //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherrain); //remove the active class $(".weatherrain").removeClass("active"); } } //adds a new weather radar layer on to the map function showWeatherClouds(){ //if the weatherradar is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".weatherclouds").hasClass("active")) { //loads the function to load the weather radar loadWeatherClouds(); //automatically refresh radar every 2 minutes weathercloudsrefresh = setInterval(function(){loadWeatherClouds()}, 120000); //add the active class $(".weatherclouds").addClass("active"); } else { //remove the auto refresh clearInterval(weathercloudsrefresh); //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherclouds); //remove the active class $(".weatherclouds").removeClass("active"); } } //adds a new weather radar layer on to the map function showWeatherRadar(){ //if the weatherradar is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".weatherradar").hasClass("active")) { //loads the function to load the weather radar loadWeatherRadar(); //automatically refresh radar every 2 minutes weatherradarrefresh = setInterval(function(){loadWeatherRadar()}, 120000); //add the active class $(".weatherradar").addClass("active"); } else { //remove the auto refresh clearInterval(weatherradarrefresh); //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherradar); //remove the active class $(".weatherradar").removeClass("active"); } } //actually loads the weather radar function loadWeatherPrecipitation() { if (weatherprecipitation) { //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherprecipitation); } weatherprecipitation = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/precipitation/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenWeatherMap', maxZoom: 18, transparent: true, opacity: '0.7' }).addTo(map); } //actually loads the weather radar function loadWeatherRain() { if (weatherrain) { //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherrain); } weatherrain = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/rain/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenWeatherMap', maxZoom: 18, transparent: true, opacity: '0.7' }).addTo(map); } //actually loads the weather radar function loadWeatherClouds() { if (weatherclouds) { //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherclouds); } weatherclouds = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openweathermap.org/map/clouds/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?appid=', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenWeatherMap', maxZoom: 18, transparent: true, opacity: '0.6' }).addTo(map); } //actually loads the weather radar function loadWeatherRadar() { if (weatherradar) { //remove the weather radar layer map.removeLayer(weatherradar); } weatherradar = L.tileLayer('http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cache/tile.py/1.0.0/nexrad-n0q-900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?' + parseInt(Math.random()*9999), { format: 'image/png', transparent: true, opacity: '0.5' }).addTo(map); } //adds a new weather satellite layer on to the map function showWeatherSatellite(){ //if the weatherradar is currently active then disable it, otherwise enable it if (!$(".weathersatellite").hasClass("active")) { //loads the function to load the weather satellite loadWeatherSatellite(); //automatically refresh satellite every 2 minutes weathersatelliterefresh = setInterval(function(){loadWeatherSatellite()}, 120000); //add the active class $(".weathersatellite").addClass("active"); } else { //removes the weather satellite layer map.removeLayer(weathersatellite); //remove the active class $(".weathersatellite").removeClass("active"); //remove the auto refresh clearInterval(weathersatelliterefresh); } } //actually loads the weather satellite function loadWeatherSatellite() { if (weathersatellite) { //remove the weather satellite layer map.removeLayer(weathersatellite); } weathersatellite = L.tileLayer('http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cache/tile.py/1.0.0/goes-east-vis-1km-900913/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?' + parseInt(Math.random()*9999), { format: 'image/png', transparent: true, opacity: '0.65' }).addTo(map); } function archivePause() { archiveplayback.stop(); console.log('Pause'); } function archivePlay() { archiveplayback.start(); console.log('Play'); } var windLayer; function clickWind(cb) { loadWind(cb.checked); } function loadWind(val) { var wind = getCookie('weather_wind'); if (wind == 'true' && val != 'true') { map.removeLayer(windLayer); //delCookie('weather_wind'); createCookie('weather_wind',val,999); } else { createCookie('weather_wind',val,999); if (unitspeedvalue == 'knots') { var windspeedunit = 'kt'; } else if (unitspeedvalue == 'kmh') { var windspeedunit = 'k/h'; } else { var windspeedunit = 'm/s'; } //$.getJSON('data/wwinds.json', function (data) { $.getJSON('https://data.flightairmap.com/data/weather/winds.json', function (data) { windLayer = L.velocityLayer({ displayValues: true, displayOptions: { velocityType: 'Wind', displayPosition: 'bottomleft', displayEmptyString: 'No wind data', speedUnit: windspeedunit }, data: data, maxVelocity: 20, velocityScale: 0.01 }).addTo(map); }); } } var waveLayer; function clickWave(cb) { loadWave(cb.checked); } function loadWave(val) { var wave = getCookie('weather_wave'); if (wave == 'true' && val != 'true') { map.removeLayer(waveLayer); //delCookie('weather_wave'); createCookie('weather_wave',val,999); } else { createCookie('weather_wave',val,999); if (unitspeedvalue == 'knots') { var wavespeedunit = 'kt'; } else if (unitspeedvalue == 'kmh') { var wavespeedunit = 'k/h'; } else { var wavespeedunit = 'm/s'; } //$.getJSON('data/waves.json', function (data) { $.getJSON('https://data.flightairmap.com/data/weather/waves.json', function (data) { waveLayer = L.velocityLayer({ displayValues: false, displayOptions: { velocityType: 'Wave', displayPosition: 'bottomleft', displayEmptyString: 'No wave data', speedUnit: wavespeedunit }, data: data, maxVelocity: 40, lineWidth: 6, velocityScale: 0.03 }).addTo(map); }); } } var waveBackLayer; function clickBackWave(cb) { loadBackWave(cb.checked); } function loadBackWave(val) { var wave = getCookie('weather_backwave'); if (wave == 'true' && val != 'true') { map.removeLayer(waveBackLayer); //delCookie('weather_backwave'); createCookie('weather_backwave',val,999); } else { createCookie('weather_backwave',val,999); waveBackLayer = L.tileLayer.wms('http://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/wms/grib/NCEP/WW3/Global/Best?', { layers: 'Significant_height_of_combined_wind_waves_and_swell_surface', format: 'image/png', opacity: 62, transparent: true, colorscalerange: '0.28%2C5.53', }).addTo(map); } } var fireLayer; function clickFire(cb) { loadFire(cb.checked); } function loadFire(val) { var fire = getCookie('weather_fire'); if (fire == 'true' && val != 'true') { map.removeLayer(fireLayer); //delCookie('weather_fire'); createCookie('weather_fire',val,999); } else { createCookie('weather_fire',val,999); fireLayer = L.tileLayer.wms('https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/wms/viirs', { layers: 'NASA FIRMS', format: 'image/png', opacity: 62, transparent: true }).addTo(map); } } var truelightLayer; var truelightinterval; function clickTrueLight(cb) { loadTrueLight(cb.checked); } function loadTrueLight(val) { var truelight = getCookie('truelight'); if (truelight == 'true' && val != 'true') { //delCookie('truelight'); clearInterval(truelightinterval); map.removeLayer(truelightLayer); createCookie('truelight',val,999); } else { createCookie('truelight',val,999); truelightLayer = L.terminator(); truelightLayer.addTo(map); truelightinterval = setInterval(function(){ var t = L.terminator(); truelightLayer.setLatLngs(t.getLatLngs()); truelightLayer.redraw(); },500); } } function update_santaLayer(nows) { if (nows) var url = "/live-santa-geojson.php?now"; else var url = "/live-santa-geojson.php"; var santageoJSONQuery = $.getJSON(url, function(data) { var santageoJSON = L.geoJson(data, { onEachFeature: function(feature,layer) { var playbackOptions = { orientIcons: true, clickCallback: function() { $("#pointident").attr('class',''); $(".showdetails").load("/space-data.php?"+Math.random()+"&sat=santaclaus"); }, marker: function(){ return { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: '/images/santa.png', iconSize: [60, 60], iconAnchor: [30, 30] }) } } }; var santaplayback = new L.Playback(map,feature,null,playbackOptions); santaplayback.start(); var now = new Date(); if (nows == false) santaplayback.setCursor(now.getTime()); } }); }); }; function clickSanta(cb) { if (cb.checked) { update_santaLayer(true); } else { // FIXME : Need to use leafletplayback stop() for example window.location.reload(); } }